FACS Newsletter 1995, No. 2, 14-15

Asia-Pacific Network of Chemical Educators

David Clift

Deakin University
662 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia

It is proposed to establish a network of chemical educators in the Asia-Pacific region. The concept, which originated within the Chemical Education Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, has been discussed with a number of chemical educators within the region and has widespread support. There already exist networks of biology and physics educators, the Asian Association for Biological Education and the Asian Physics Education Network respectively.

The primary aim of the network would be to promote high quality chemical education through out the Asia - Pacific region. The ways in which this will be done will be decided by network members but might include:

Within the region there are many challenges to be met and problems to be overcome. There is a vast pool of expertise that has developed as chemical educators working in their own countries have devised their own ways of meeting these challenges. Although the situation differs from country to country, a common challenge is the difficulty of putting the limited available resources to the best possible use in order to deliver the best courses to students. There should be much that chemical educators, as a group, can learn from one another. The more that resources can be pooled by sharing solutions to shared problems, the easier the task should become. It is with this in mind that the network is being proposed.

The form that the network will take is up to the members. There are several ways in which chemical educators in the region might provide one another with mutual assistance. The most appropriate choice will probably depend upon just what people want from the network. By putting people in touch with one another, it should be possible to find out what is the most suitable form for the network. In particular, it would be useful know what problems people face and the extent to which these are common throughout the region. It would also be helpful to discuss the solutions that people have discovered and how these may best be shared.

At present the author of this article is attempting to contact as many people as possible and to form an interim steering committee. Several unsolicited expressions of interest from people willing to join this committee have already been received. It is intended plan to hold a workshop at the 14th International Conference on Chemical Education in Brisbane next July This is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on Sunday 14th July and will enable those who are interested to consider matters such as the name of the group, its structure, possible activities and ways in which members might keep in contact. It is also planned to elect an executive committee which will take the next steps.

Further information may be obtained from Assoc.
Prof David Clift,
Deakin University, 662 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia.
Fax: (61 3) 9244 7131;
e-mail: dclift@deakin.edu.au

Notice of Meeting:

THE INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC CHEMICAL EDUCATION NETWORK will be held on SUNDAY 14 JULY 1996 at 1.00 p.m. at The University of Queensland in conjunction with:


Further details, including the venue, will be made available to delegates upon registration. Indications if intention to attend should be forwarded, as soon as possible, to:

Associate Professor David Clift
Deakin University
662 Blackburn Road
Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
Fax: (613) 9244 7131
e-mail: dclift@deakin.edu.au