WWW Virtual Science: Chemistry:

University Chemistry Departments: Japan

In Collaboration with The Chemical Society of Japan
In cooperation with WWW Virtual Science: Chemistry:
International University Chemistry Departments


This list covers the home pages of chemistry and related departments (applied chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, agricultural chemistry, or education in chemistry) in the universities and colleges of technology in Japan which are written in English, so that aimed at international use.
Those who found an error and/or alteration of the address shown in this page, please notice to itomasasoka.ac.jp.

(latest survey in January 2014 and revised in February 2014, last modified in August 2014)

[A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / M / N / O / P / R / S / T / U / W / Y ]

































This page is run as part of the activity of Subcommittee on International Relations, Edication and Publicity Department (former Council for Chemistry Education), Chemical Society of Japan.
Copyright 2001, 2003, 2007, 2014. The Chemical Society of Japan. All rights resrvrd.

Maintained by Prof. Masato M. ITO (e-mail: itomasasoka.ac.jp )
With the assistance by Mr. Yoshiki Ochiai, Mr. Koichi Kimura, Ms. Hiromi Kashiwazaki, Mr. Naoki Yamamoto, Ms. Kaori Ishiyama and Mr. Toru Asano.
By the Courtesy of Soka University Scientific Computer Center