Chemical Education in Japan Version 2


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Chemical Education in Japan Version 2

A Statistics

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A.1 Elementary School

General remarks for the statistics on primary schools are given below.
  1. ) The number of primary schools decreases by 29 between 1990 to 1991.

  2. ) The number of pupils increases in private schools but these decrease in total.

  3. ) The number of pupils in a class is 29 on average.

  4. ) The number of teachers increases while that of pupils decreases.

  5. ) The elementary school teachers are required to graduate from colleges(2 years) or universities(4 years). Teachers who graduate from 2-year colleges have studied science much less than those of 4-year university graduates. This fact would be a potential source of difficulty as far as science education is concerned because the percentage of teachers who are 2- year college graduates will increase in the next few years.

  6. ) Large elementary schools can employ specialist teachers who teach only their specialty, e.g., gymnastics,, art, music, home management or science(rika ).

Table A.1.1  Number of Schools
  Year     Total    National    Public    Private 
  1989    24,851          73    24,608        170 
  1990    24,827          73    24,586        168 
  1991    24,798          73    24,557        168

Table A.1.2   Number of Classes 
  Year      Total    National     Public    Private 
  1989    317,259       1,279    314,185      1,795 
  1990    315,426       1,279    312,338      1,809 
  1991    313,707       1,280    310,602      1,825 
Table A.1.3  Number of Students 
  Year        Total    National       Public    Private
  1989    9,606,627      47,400    9,496,553     62,674
  1990    9,373,295      47,304    9,262,201     63,790
  1991    9,157,429      47,234    9,045,154     65,041

  Per Class    29.2        36.9         29.1       35.6
  Per Teacher  20.6        26.5         20.5       22.2

Table A.1.4  Number of Teachers 
  Year      Total    National     Public    Private    Women/%
  1989    445,450       1,782    440,777    2,891         57.5
  1990    444,218       1,783    439,542    2,893         58.3
  1991    444,903       1,781    440,188    2,934         59.3
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A.2 Lower Secondary School

General remarks for the statistics on lower secondary schools are given below.
  1. ) The number of schools as well as the class size increases.

  2. ) The number of students increase in private schools but the total number of private schools decreases.

  3. ) The number of teachers increases.

  4. ) The number of science teachers is adjusted according to the number of science classes of the school.

  5. ) About 95% of students go to upper secondary schools and 2.5 % of students find employment.

  6. ) Every lower secondary school has a laboratory for science experiments.

  Table A.2.1  Number of lower secondary schools
  Year     Total    National    Public    Private 
  1989    11,264       78       10,578        608
  1990    11,275       78       10,588        609
  1991    11,290       78       10,595        617

  Table A.2.2   Number of Classes 
  Year      Total    National    Public    Private
  1989    154,054      885      148,426      4,743
  1990    152,466      886      146,535      5,045
  1991    152,009      886      145,923      5,200

  Table A.2.3    Number of Students 
  Year        Total     National     Public   Private
  1989    5,619,297     36,502    5,386,134   196,661
  1990    5,369,162     35,851    5,130,708   202,603
  1991    5,188,314     35,170    4,942,223   210,921

  Per Class    34.1       39.7         33.9      40.6
  Per Teacher  18.1       20.9         17.9      21.4

  Table A.2.4    Number of Teachers 
  Year     Total    National     Public    Private    Women/%
  1989    286,301      1,679    275,415      9,207       35.7
  1990    286,065      1,683    275,012      9,370       36.4
  1991    286,965      1,685    275,406      9,874       37.3

  Table A.2.5    Number of graduates (lower secondary school)
  Year      Total    Upper secondary School        Work
  1989    2,049,471      1,941,320  (94.7%)    59,461 (2.9%)
  1990    1,981,503      1,884,183  (95.1%)    54,822 (2.8%)
  1991    1,860,300      1,774,056  (95.4%)    48,001 (2.6%)
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A.3 Upper secondary School

General remarks for the statistics on upper secondary schools are given below.
  1. ) The number of upper secondary schools decreases.

  2. ) The number of students decreases but the number of teachers remains nearly constant.

  3. ) About 30% of students go to colleges or universities and about 35% of them find employment.

  4. ) The number of chemistry teachers is adjusted according to the number of chemistry classes of each school.

  5. ) Each upper secondary school has a laboratory for chemical experiments.

  6. ) About 44% of equipment required by the Government (Risin-ho) was purchased on average.

    (by Research of Nippon Rikagaku Kyokai 1991)

  Table A.3.1  Number of Upper secondary Schools
  Year    Total    National    Public    Private    Private School/%
  1989    5,511       17       4,183      1,311          23.8
  1990    5,506       17       4,177      1,312          23.8
  1991    5,503       17       4,170      1,316          23.9

  Table A.3.2  Number of Students (Upper secondary School)
  Year      Total     National     Public      Private    Private School/%
  1989    5,644,376    10,362    4,030,091   1,603,923        28.4
  1990    5,623,336    10,338    4,001,232   1,611,766        28.7
  1991    5,454,929    10,349    3,869,148   1,575,432        28.9

  Table A.3.3    Number of Teachers 
  Year     Total    National    Public    Private    Private School/%
  1989    284,461     628      219,407     64,426         20.1
  1990    286,006     627      220,322     65,057         20.5
  1991    286,092     628      220,049     65,415         20.9

  Table A.3.4  Number of graduates 
  Year      Total      Colledge or University        Work
  1989    1,700,789        520,569 (30.7%)     606,150 (35.6%) 
  1990    1,766,917        538,890 (30.6%)     622,330 (35.2%) 
  1991    1,803,221        570,090 (31.7%)     620,614 (34.4%) 
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A.4 Chemists and University Chemistry Majors

See also, Table 3.6.1 The Number of Chemistry Major Freshmen in the Total Distribution of Majors who entered Universities in Japan in 1992
Table A.4.1  Approximate Numbers of Students of Chemistry or Chemistry-related Subject
  Course                                                    Bachelor   Master   Doctor
  Dept. Chem., Fac. Science                                  10,000    3,000    1,500
  Dept. Appl. Chem. (or related Dept.), Fac. Engineering     50,000    8,000    2,500

  Total  (including Agric. Chem., Pharm. Chem. etc.)        100,000   12,000    5,000

Table A.4.2  Number of Workers in Chemical Industry (103)
  Year                       1980    1985    1988    1992
  Chemical Industry           410     395     390     415
  Total Manufacturing      10,209  10,647  10,696  11,159

Table A.4.3  Composition of Workers in Chemical Industry (%)
------------------    ------------------------------------------
  Male      85.8        Bachelor or above                 15.9
  Female    14.2        Junior College Graduates           6.0
------------------               High School Graduates    41.2
                        Lower Secondary                   15.2

Table A.4.4  Number of Personal Attendants in Chemistry-Related 
             Academic Societies in 1994
                                            General  Student   Others
The Chemical Society of Japan                29,962    3,495    2,444
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan      7,992    1,274       71
Japan Society for Bioscience, 
  Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry           12,123    2,049      180
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan          19,049    2,115      370
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A.5 Some Aspects of Recent Chemical Industry

Table A.5.1  Shipment Value of  Chemical and other  Manufacturing Industries
             (109 Yen)  
  Year                        1978      1980      1985      1990      1992
  Chemical                  12,853    17,961    20,552    23,390    24,152
  Foodstuffs                19,395    22,196    20,542    22,748    24,758
  Textile                    6,948     7,781     8,087     7,838     7,574
  Plastics                       -         -     8,052    10,466    11,229
  Iron and Steel            13,439    17,864    17,754    18,269    16,590
  Metal Products             8,546    10,311    13,094    18,574    19,814
  General Machinery         13,437    17,361    24,225    33,639    33,724
  Electric Machinery        16,246    22,160    40,842    54,529    54,521
  Transportion Machinery    20,243    24,897    36,179    46,858    49,608

  Total                    162,594   212,124   265,321   323,373   329,640

Table A.5.2  Shipment Value of  Various Products of Chemical Industry (109 Yen)  
  Year                           1970    1975    1980    1985    1990    1992
  Chemical Fertilizers            206     558     504     443     324     337
  Inorganics                      512     922   1,343   1,500   1,384   1,551
  Organics                      1,958   3,992   7,976   8,316   8,788   8,575
    Petrochemical Basics          151     643   1,956   1,281   1,095     764
    Aliphatic Intermediates       250     707   1,104   1,136   1,064   1,025
    Aromatics, Dyes & Pigments    372     902   1,648   1,515   1,622   1,522
    Plastics                      809   1,090   1,968   2,910   3,625   3,819
    Synthetic Rubber              140     210     389     501     546     415
    Other Organics                236     440     893     973     837   1,030
  Fiber                           780     766   1,146   1,080   1,044   1,059
  Final Products                2,084   4,200   6,993   9,215  11,850  12,630
    Oil & Fat,  Detergents        279     381     626     774     967   1,043
    Paint & Vanish                221     471     780   1,000   1,155   1,167
    Pharmaceuticals               933   1,643   2,893   3,829   5,153   5,508
    Agricaltural Chemicals         84     287     363     445     373     372
    Cosmetics                     261     594     847   1,061   1,376   1,481
    Adhesives                      33      77     172     189     233     247
    Photosensitive Materials      117     249     480     747     962   1,137
    Other Final Products          156     489     832   1,169   1,631   1,675

  Total                         5,540  10,438  17,961  20,552  23,390  24,152
Table A.5.3  Consumption of Raw Materials in Chemical Industry (103 t)
  Year                  1983      1986      1988      1990      1992
  Naphtha             13,563    15,206    18,131    19,576    20,719
  Industrial Salt      5,851     6,153     6,879     7,491     7,268
  Phosphate Rock       2,142     1,859     1,575     1,397     1,236
  Raw Oil and Fat        941       997     1,039     1,068     1,025
  Sulfur                 681       752       798       775       771
Table A.5.4  Export and Import Values of Chemicals by Product  ($106)
            Export                                            Import
  1980    1985    1990    1992        Year         1980    1985    1990    1992
  2,276  2,512   5,640   6,689      Organics      1,679   2,411   4,457  4,676
    719    708   1,180   1,214     Inorganics       642     742   1,194  1,218
    425    558   1,224   1,541   Dyes & Pigments    272     319     700    690
    295    391     879   1,366   Pharmaceuticals  1,074   1,292   2,834  3,671
    174    263     579     707   Oils & Cosmetics   231     252     725    853
    377    127     109     109     Fertilizer       279     258     405    416
  1,867  2,261   4,386   5,199       Plastics       563     744   1,660  1,672
    636    878   1,875   2,294       Others       1,462   2,054   4,070  4,150

  6767  7,698  15,872  19,118         Total       6,202   8,073  16,045  17,355
Table A.5.5  Export and Import Values of Chemicals by Block ($106)
            Export                                                 Import
  1980    1985    1990    1992           Block           1980    1985    1990    1992
  3,024  3,161   7,849   9,417         Far East           574     665   1,771   1,778
    257    169     283     283     Near-Mid East           28     153     602     395
    881  1,125   3,183   3,883      West Europe         2,081   2,651   6,510   7,705
    845  1,532   2,605   3,342      North America       2,730   3,667   5,500   5,735
    272    219     282     382  Central & South America   194     347     584     632
    158    114     138     138          Africa             67      70      69      52
    302    286     384     420          Oceania           240      99     202     235
  1,026  1,091   1,148   1,252  U. S. S. R., East Europe, 288     420     807     824
                                Asian Communist Block

   6767  7,698  15,872  19,118           Total          6,202   8,073  16,045  17,355
Table A.5.6  Amount of Research and Development Spending (109 Yen) and its 
   Value relative to Shipment value (%) by Field of Manufacturing Industry
                       R &D Spending      R &D Spending / Shipment value
                       --------------     --------------------------------
  Year                  1990    1992       1980    1985    1990    1992
  Chemicals            1,417   1,605       2.55    3.79    4.89    5.39
  Foodstuffs             218     230       0.58    0.77    0.98    0.93
  Ceramics               215     214       1.30    2.61    2.60    2.69
  Iron and Steel         304     312       1.14    1.94    2.33    2.58
  Non-ferrous Metal      141     146       1.03    1.92    1.80    2.23
  Machinery              650     652       1.90    2.74    2.99    3.10
  Electric Mach.       3,146   3,221       3.71    5.10    5.86    6.17
  Transport. Mach.     1,496   1,499       2.34    2.90    3.65    3.45
  Precision Mach.        336     327       3.02    4.49    5.94    5.79

  Total                8,660   8,971
  Average                                  1.73    2.69    3.36    3.52
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Chemical Education in Japan Version 2


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This section contains a few representative examples of problems on entrance examinations for lower secondary school to university. This will give the reader a rough idea of what is required in entrance examinations (so often quoted!) in Japanese schools.

D.1 Entrance Examination to National Lower Secondary School

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D.2 Entrance Examination to Private Lower Secondary School

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D.3 Entrance Examination to Private Upper Secondary School

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D.4 Entrance Examination to National Upper Secondary School

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D.5 Center Examinations for University Candidates

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D.6 Entrance Examinations to Private University

D.7 Entrance Examination to National University

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Top of D


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