Intermediate and First Form Secondary Science

Chemistry in Intermediate and First Form Secondary Science

Chemistry in the Second--Forth Form Secondary Science

The credit system of the secondary stage

Chemistry in Intermediate and First Form Secondary Science

Grade Six:

Unit (4): Properties of Matter.

Grade Seven:

Unit (4): Matter. Changes.

Grade Eight:

Unit (2): Matter. Structure.

Grade Nine:

Unit (2): Man Exploits the Permanent Resources of Earth..
Unit (3): Man Exploits the Renewable Resources of Earth.
Unit (4): Man Exploits the Non - Renewable Resources of Earth.

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Chemistry in the Second--Forth Form Secondary Science

Grade Tenth:

Unit (1): Structure of Matter.

Introduction to Chemistry-
Names and Symbols of Elements-
Ionic Radicals-The Mass of Atoms-Molecules-Mole Concept-Chemical Formula-Molecules-Mole Concept-Chemical- Formula-Laws of Chemical Combination-Chemical Equation-Types of Chemical Reactions.

Unit (2): The Structure of Atoms, the Periodic Law of Elements.

Discoveries Subatomic Particles-
Atomic Number-Mass Number-Isotopes-Rusher Ford Models-Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom-The Atomic Theory-The Electron Configuration of the Elements-
The Periodic Table-Periodicity of Elements.

Unit (3): The Chemical Compounds.

The Chemical Combination of Elements-Ionic Bond-
Covalent Bond-Properties of Ionic-Covalent Compounds-Oxidation and Reduction.

Unit (4): Chemistry of the Elements.

- Carbon: Carbon Compounds.

- Oxygen: Existence, Properties, Isotopes-Types of Oxides.

Grade Eleventh:

Unit (1): Gases - Calculation from Equation - Liquids.

Gases: General Properties-Gas Laws-Ideal Gases-Liquification
of Gases and Critical Temperature-Chemical Equation Notion and its Usage-Liquids

Liquids: General Properties-Types of Solutions.

Unit (2): Therms and Kinetics Chemistry.

Thermochemistry: Chemical energy-Exothermic Reaction-Endothermic Reaction-Heat content-Change in Heat Contents-Types in Heat Content Changes-Hiss's Law.

Kinetics Chemistry: Chemical Reaction Rates-Rate Law-Reaction Mechanism-Collision Theory-Effect of Catalysts.

Unit (3): Chemical Equilibrium.

Reversible and Irreversible reaction-Law of Mass Action-Lechatelier's Principle.

Unit (4): Acids and Bases.

The Theory of Acids and Bases-Definitions of Acids and Bases-General Properties-The Ion Product of Water-The pH Value-pH Scale

Salts: Hydrolysis-Acid Radicals Detection-Preparation-Common Ion Effect-Solubility Product and its Importance.

Unit (5): Organic Chemistry.

Organic Compounds: Identification of Elements in Organic Compound-The Carbon-Carbon Covalent Bond-Substitution reaction-Addition reaction-Alkane-Alkene-Alkyne.

Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Benzene, Properties.

Crude Oil-Natural Gas Components.

Grade Twelfth:

Unit (1): Chemical Equilibrium.

Chemical Reactions: Reversiblenon-Homogeneous-Heterogeneous-Balancing&Dynamic Conception-Law of Mass Action-Dissociation in Aqueous Solution-Ionic Product of Water-pH -Ionization Constant Salt Hydrolysis-Solubility Product-Buffer Solution.

Unit (2): Descriptive & Quantitative Chemistry.
Unit (3): Oxidation - Reduction.

Oxidation-Reduction reactions-Oxidation Number-Ionic-Covalent Compounds-Electric Charge Conservation.

Balancing of Oxidation-Reduction Equation.

Unit (4): Energy and Chemical Reactions.

Energy Concept-It Forms-Types in Heat Content Changes-Hiss's Law.

Electrochemistry: Galvanic Cells, Electrolytic Cells-Faraday Law of Electrolysis.

Unit (5): Methods of Extracting Metals.

Basic Metal Sources-Extraction-Sodium-Iron: Reaction&Properties.

Unit (6): Chemical Industry.

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The credit system of the secondary stage

In the credit system, which is a part of the secondary stage, chemistry is taught in three curricula, two of them are compulsory course No., (55 , 65) and the third is voluntary course No., (88).

Studying hours for each is 5 hours weekly, 75 hours for the whole course.

There syllabuses are as follows:

Chemistry (1) Course No.,(55):

Unit (1): Types of Elements, Structure of atom

Ancient theory of Atom - Atomic Weights - Electrical Discharge - Canal Rays - Radioactivity -Rutherford Model - atomic Number - Mass Number.

Unit (2): Modern Atomic Theory and Periodic Table.

Bohr Model-the Electron Configuration of the Elements-Types of Elements-Periodicity of Elements.

Units (3): Chemical Combination.

Ionic Bond-Covalent Bond-Metallic Bond-Hydrogen Bond-Chemical-Formula-Molecular formula-Avogadro's Number-Chemical Equation-Chemical Arithmetic.

Unit (4): Studying Elements.

Hydrogen: Preparation-Properties, the same with Oxygen and Chlorine.

Water: Sources-Types of Water-Physical, Chemical Properties.

The Alkali Metals: Sodium.

Unit (5): Properties of Gases.

Gases General Properties-Gas Laws-Ideal Gases-Liquification of Gases-Critical Temperature.

Unit (6): Liquids, Solutions.

Liquid Solutions-Measures of Composition for Solutions-Types of Solutions and Properties.

Chemistry (2) Course No., (65).

Unit (1): Energy Change in Chemical Reactions.

Energy Concept, it Forms-Types in Heat Content Changes-Hiss's Law.

Unit (2): Chemical Equilibrium.

Reversible and Irreversible reaction-Low of Mass Action-Lechatelier's Principle.

Unit (3): Oxidation - Reduction.

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions-Oxidation Number-Electric Charge Conservation- Balancing of Oxidation-reduction Equation.

Unit (4): Acids and Bases and Salts.

Acid and Base Concept-preparation, Properties.

Dissociation in Aqueous Solution: The Ionic Product of Water-the pH Value.

Strengths of Acids in Aqueous Solution.

Salts: Preparation, Types of Salts, Hydrolysis.

Solubility Product-Buffer Solutions.

Unit (5): Descriptive & Quantitative Chemistry.

Acid Radicals Detection-Volumetric Quantitative Analysis-Ways of Showing Concentration-Types of indicators.

Unit (6): Carbon Chemistry.

Carbon Compounds-Organic Compounds.



Chemistry (3) Course No., (88).

Unit (1): Electrochemistry.

Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions-the Arrhenius Ionic theory-Electrode Potential

-Electrochemical Series-Galvanic Cells-Electrolytic Cells-Faraday Law of Electrolysis.

Unit (2): Principle Basis for Chemical Metallic Industries.

General Methods of Extracting Metals.

Unit (3): Sodium.

Extraction-Properties and Used-Sodium Compounds.

Unit (4): Aluminium.

Extraction of Iron-Properties-Iron Compounds.

Unit (5): Iron.

Extraction of Iron-Properties-Iron Compounds.

Unit (6): Identification of Basic Radicals.

Identification of Cations in Solutions.

Unit (7): Alloys.

Alloys Concept-Compositions of Allays-Properties-Uses of Alloys.

Unit (8): Corrosion.

Corrosion Concept-Corrosion Mechanism-Corrosion Inhibitors.

Unit (9): Chemical Industries Depend Upon Salts in Sea Water.

The Important Salts in Sea Water-Minerals and Metals-Extraction of Magnesium-extraction of Iodine.

Unit (10): Petrochemicals Industry.

Crude Oil-Fractional Distillation of the Oil-Octane Number-Chemical Fertilizers-Industrial Detergents.

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